Our investment plans below are meant to allow individuals, institutional banks, and fund managers to learn more about investing in cryptocurrencies, as well as trading. We offer private lessons that can either be conducted in person or remotely. Beyond that, we offer consultant services that would allow us to guide you on how to maximize profits from NFTs, DeFi, High Yield Portfolis, etc. with your investment funds.

For individuals looking to get into cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc., it may seem as though it's too late, but in reality it's never too late. We show you why in our training services below. Backed by experienced traders, investors and financial analysts, we offer one-on-one guidance tailored to your needs. We'll set you up with a portfolio that you can manage yourself, as well as offering brokerage services to allow us to manage, trade and grow your investments for you.

For professionals and institutions, we offer easy to use platforms that can allow you to begin investing in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology with ease. If you do not have the time or patience to manage your portfolio and trade yourself, we offer brokerage services from an Wall Street experienced financial advisor & cryptocurrency trader who will monitor and manage your investments tailored for you.


Beginner - Advanced



100USDper session

DeFi is short for “decentralized finance,” an umbrella term for Ethereum and blockchain applications geared toward disrupting financial intermediaries
  • How to get started with your DeFi accounts
  • Understanding Web3 Applications, Risks vs. Rewards
  • DApps and the best way to optimize them for your portfolio
  • Staking and how that can scale your portfolio

Mentorship Program

Beginner - Experienced

500+USDper session

Enroll in our Mentorship Program with one of our leaders about your financial future.
The Mentorship Program is designed to have a 1-on-1 opportunity to discuss anything financially or career related to help you achieve your goals set forward.

Savings Consultation

Beginner - Experienced

General Consultation

Beginner - Experienced

0+USDper session

Whether you're just starting out and don't know where to start. Should you invest, save, trade? We have the answers for you that's tailored based on your financial goals!
The first 10 minutes of the consultation are free!

It is not too late to get started, so start now!